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  now my story is on the edge of what is normal to experience, but this ALSO work if you have experienced someone sneaking in line before you, and this has bothered you,

you can go into the memory and tell the person

, excuse me but now you sneak or here I stood. then IT may not bother you in the same way anymore.

I have experienced a lot of pain and traumatic in past life, which has forced me to turn around my thinking. not only did I have to, but I really wanted to take control back in my life.

if I was alone at night and started to get scared, there was rarely anything in the present that bothered me, but rather memories of the past that made me anxious in the present.

I have meditated a lot since 2013 and learned to find peace in everyday life, but I did not get rid of bad memories …

 finally I realized that I could correct these myself.

a psychologist would take hundreds of dollars and hour of work to do the same work and also pull it out in the know sicken the situation ( my experience)

When its  something you can actually fix yourself in pease and at home when you feel  ready for it.

I sat down, emptied my mind tthe best way i could and then consciously went back to the painful experiences I have experienced.

Remember and focus on one episode at a time.

I was beaten by a boyfriend once in 2012 and I don’t remember much until I was defiant and woke up the next day. this has bothered me in retrospect. as well, I remember the first blows and I invited the memories back

I made sure the phone was on silent and there was peace at home before I started

I then went into my “memory” where I watch / relive the episode where I got knocked. but this time I get up and try and hit him back.

it may not always go on the first try, but then you try again, until you have a new sense of what happened..after a chance 10 attempts, I managed to beat him again and also got out of the apartment where this happened, i rounded it off i got rid of him and i came victorious out of the situation.

Thus, I have turned into a traumatic event and it is easier for me to live with the event now than it was before. It can hurt and seem difficult at first, but it is the best self-help task I have done in relation to my story, from which I wanted and tore myself away. he no longer became the boss of my life it is


who decide in my life and over my past

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